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CT measuring services from ZEISS

Non-destructive and precise inspection of your components

The time for manufacturing new components is becoming shorter and shorter in all areas of industry, and manufacturers are under increasing pressure. However, despite time pressure and increasingly complex components, quality assurance and function control must of course not be neglected during product development. Particularly the inspection of internal structures poses problems here, because until recently, destructive testing of components was needed for precise measurement.

This has changed with the use of computer tomography in industrial metrology. With the help of this technology, workpieces can be measured non-destructively as well as completely before being analysed and corrected. Industrial computed tomography is your one-stop shop for precise analysis and measurement of your components.

Currently unable to do CT inspection at your company? Put your trust in CT measuring services from ZEISS! We offer you many years of experience in the field of industrial computed tomography with data acquisition and evaluation. The hardware and software of our CT systems are always state-of-the-art. Our experienced CT experts guarantee fast CT measurements. Rely on the quality assurance of the future and leave the inspection of your components to us.

The advantages of CT measurements:

Certainty: Measure, analyse and inspect defects and structures inside workpieces with just one exposure.
Non-destructive: Thanks to CT and X-ray, measurement is possible without destroying the components.
Reproduction: Digitization via computed tomography enables the reproduction of components even without a CAD model.

Download more information here.

Carl Zeiss AS
Kabelgaten 8
0512 OSLO
Org. nr.: NO991011552

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