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Meet our new logistics manager!

Our new star Jörgen Jönsson has finally arrived at Esvama!

Jörgen has 20 years of experience in the logistics and manufacturing industry and is used to having a broad role where his characteristics as a great teamplayer with perceptive skills comes in handy when dealing with the variety of daily situations.

- My focus is to make sure the chain from supplier to customer operates at a high level and allows Esvama to deliver according to set goals.

The daily communication with customers and suppliers is to secure that everyting runs simple and smooth, says Jörgen.

That sounds fantastic for us at Esvama. Welcome to the team, Jörgen!

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Esvama AB
Fågel Fenix väg 3
246 42 Löddeköpinge
Kävlinge kommun
Org. nr.: SE559083755401

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